In the early ’80s, Alexey Ekimov and Louis E. Brus independently researched semiconductor...
Particle filter material choice for Raman and FTIR microscopy
The filter material to analyze particulate matter with Raman or FTIR microspectroscopy plays a...
Plastiglomerate Analysis by Infrared Spectroscopy
Plastiglomerate analysis by FTIR unveils polymer constituents and weathering effects, therefore...
IR correlation charts – Timeless classic or ancient...
Infrared correlation charts are graphical tools used in interpreting infrared (IR) spectra of...
How the paper industry is using FTIR microscopy for paper...
Paper is an everyday item all over the world, so it comes as no surprise that FTIR microscopy plays...
Geoscientific Raman applications
Geoscientific Raman applications are manifold. Raman spectroscopy and microscopy have been...
FTIR microscopy in tea bag analysis
FTIR microscopy enables precise analysis of teabag adhesive seals, revolutionizing quality control...
Detecting particles and impurities in liquid medication by FT-IR...
In the pharmaceutical industry FTIR is a widely used technique for the analysis of solid and liquid...
Easter egg coating uncovered with FTIR
For the upcoming Easter holidays we set out to uncover Easter egg coatings with FTIR spectroscopy...
Marine plastic waste and debris analysis by FTIR
Ever found plastic waste or debris on a beach? Most likely, you did. For environmental forensics...