Bruker has been at the forefront of microplastic analysis from the very beginning. No wonder Channel A turned to Bruker to support one of their programs, and we were happy to do it!
The name of the Channel A show can best be translated as „I’m healthy“. Usually, the show focuses on health issues and therefore recently informed viewers about the dangers of microplastics in our oceans. Thus, a microplastic analysis was shown on TV and LUMOS was right in the middle!
Since the Korean peninsula is surrounded by water, its inhabitants are unfortunately forced to deal with marine pollution. As a result, the severity of the microplastic problem has become increasingly apparent, and even television programmes are now focusing their resources on microplastics.
Microplastic water samples. LUMOS microplastic identification. Found microplastic particles. Data was predented to the audience.
Microplastic Identification made simple
First, „I’m healthy“ gave our application scientist some contaminated water samples. He then carried out the analysis and presented the results to the audience. In conclusion, Several particles were found and it was made clear that this problem is here to stay, and will most likely only get worse.
What the programme didn’t addres, is that there are several approaches to the identification and analysis of microplastics. In addition to FTIR, Raman is also suitable and offers unique advantages. Bruker has a wealth of application knowledge and can help you decide which approach is best for your application!
If you speak fluent Korean and would like to watch the program, you can do so here. Additionally, there is an interview with our application scientist from Korea on the topic. In case that you want to know more about microplastics, you can keep reading about it on our blog or on our website. If you would like information about our microplastic solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us!